Forrest Gump

Rated PG-13


Forrest Gump is one of the greatest stories ever told. The story follows a boy that has a learning disability who turns into a man that can accomplish almost anything he wants to do. Forrest plays football at one of the best college football programs in the nation, joins the army and fights in Vietnam where is becomes a hero, wins the international ping pong championship, starts a shrimping company that becomes worth millions, begins a cross country run that inspires thousands, all while having a very low IQ of only 75 and making the lives of the people around him better. This story shows how one person can impact the lives of others in impressive ways. I do not want to say to much because if you have never seen the movie then I do not want to spoil the greatness that is Forrest Gump.

See Roger Ebert's Review of Forrest Gump